Nightime Fasting May Reduce Breast Cancer

Nightime Fasting May Reduce Breast Cancer

Over the last few months I’ve blogged about how your diet can be the single most and biggest needle mover to improving your health. Not only is it important what you eat but WHEN you eat too. To start off your day you should be eating breakfast or your first meal within 1-hr of waking up. It is just as important to consume your meals every 4 to 6 hrs. Your dinner should be completed at least 3 hours before bedtime. What I bet you didn’t know is that nighttime fasting may reduce breast cancer risk.

I just recently read an article that was published in JAMA Oncology in March 2016. The study suggests that fasting for more than 13 hours a night may reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence. “The University of California-San Diego, and colleagues tracked 2,413 participants- all were diagnosed with breast cancer between the ages of 27 to 70 to determine the potential effects of nightly fasting on breast cancer prognosis”. 

It was reported that the women who fasted for fewer than 13 hours a night had a 36% higher risk for breast cancer recurrence, compared with those who fasted for 13 hours or more hours. It is important to note that, “the researchers can’t say why overnight fasting may influence breast cancer risk, but they found that with every additional two hours of fasting, a women’s average blood sugar level went down”.

This seems like a simple and feasible strategy to reduce breast cancer occurrence. Give it a whirl!

