Self-pity can be intoxicating, but it can also be deadly. Complaining is proven to take a toll on our mental and physical health.

When you stop complaining here is what happens.

  • You stop letting others control the outcomes in your life
  • You happen to life, instead of letting life happen to you
  • You can begin to turn problems into solutions
  • You will discover a purpose in your challenges

Take the pledge, stop complaining, and start feeling better. You will be surprised the difference this one small decision will make in your life.

Take The Pledge To Stop Complaining Today


I believe I'm here for a reason and my purpose is greater than my challenges.
I believe my best days are ahead of me, not behind me.
I pledge to feed my mind with positive thoughts daily so I don't starve on negativity.
I pledge to view my family, friends, co-workers and community as deserving of my good mood.
I promise to be contagious with compliments and abundant in my smiles, laughter, and encouragement.
I vow to stay positive in the face of negativity.
I choose optimism over pessimism.
Feeling fear makes me lean on faith.
I reject hate.
My bitterness is mine to make better.
Set backs make me resilient, adversity makes me stronger and failure pushes me towards success.
With vision, hope, and faith, I will pursue my living legacy in the now and not the later.
I pledge to make everyday positive - especially when I don't want to -
because the world deserves my gratitude and impact, not my complaints.

Benefits of Not Complaining

At TheRichSolution we don't believe in complaining or making excuses... and not just because complaining is tiresome but because complaining stops us from living a life of true meaning.

Complaining keeps you in a negative mindset.

When we complain, our brains release stress hormones that harm neural connections in the areas used for problem-solving and other cognitive functions. This also happens when we listen to someone else moan and groan. The harms of complaining are comparable to secondhand smoke in this way. Additionally, complaining triggers the body to release more cortisol, the body's stress hormone. Cortisol over production has been linked to overreacting, acne breakouts, headaches, and even moods swings. Negativity leads to negativity – and that doesn't move you ahead, but back and down – and you don't want that.

Complaining is definitely bad for your health.

Complaining makes you sick. Complaining is also bad for the health of the people who have to hear you complain. Why is that? Complaining stresses both them and you out. A bad mood also makes your body weaker. After you complain, you're more tense. Researchers have found that dwelling on what is wrong, or complaining all the time, can lead to lingering negative feelings – which leads to stress. Researchers have discovered that there's a huge difference between people who are good sports about the irritating events of their days and people who look at everything as an opportunity to complain. Complainers have worse moods overall. We know that life isn't always rosy. But we're all about turning problems into solutions. It's a matter of perspective.

Complaining reduces lucky advantages...

Complaining limits your choices. It reduces your powers of observation – and observation is one of the secrets to creating your own luck. Our brain has a tendency to focus on the negative rather than noticing all the things that are right. And if we're complaining, we're feeding that tendency – and we continue down a negativity spiral. But our days are generally more positive than negative: Three times as many positive things than negative things happen to us every day, according to research. But just one upsetting event – a rude email, an offhand comment – can ruin everything if we let it. Deal with it and move on. Don't dwell on what's bothering you since that won't get you anywhere. Dwelling keeps your mind shut off to seeing new possibilities and taking advantage of new possibilities is one way to generate your own good luck.

6 Ways to STOP Complaining!

You may think that complaining means you care and that's a good thing.
Channeling your feelings into making things better than just staying stuck on
what's wrong will make all the difference in your mental and physical health.

  1. Catch yourself when you start complaining. See how others react to you if you begin. No one wants to hear a complainer and that will be visible on people's expressions.
  2. Be aware of what you're thinking. When you find yourself complaining, see what's triggering the complaint. Are you actually doing anything to change the situation? Or are you simply making noise? What are you feeling at the moment?
  3. Why is something bothering you? Be specific.
  4. Take action. This is the opposite of complaining! Do what you can to improve the situation or your reaction to it. You can't change a situation, but you can change how you feel about it. This is where lack of complaining leads to luck.
  5. Break the complaining habit. Note when you complain. Even write it down and see how often you do it. Then look at them to remind yourself to be more positive which means being active and observant rather than negative.
  6. Meditate! Really. This helps you regulate your emotions. You become more aware of what you say and you're more observant. As I've previously said, complaints are dead ends. The observation of new opportunities are open doors.

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